Faculty Development
At New Mexico Tech we support ongoing professional development of faculty. This includes hosting guest speakers and running workshops on a variety of topics. We also have regularly scheduled focused training events, such as those described below.
AA Newsletter Submissions
Would you like to submit a department or individual accomplishment for inclusion in an upcoming Academic Affairs newsletter? If so, please email material to richard.thompson@orkexpo.net. For photos, please include a caption and photo credit for the image. If there are individuals in the photo, please include their names and information (e.g., major).
Faculty Development Week
Every year the Office of Academic Affairs organizes workshops for the week prior to the beginning of the fall semester on a variety of topics of interest to faculty. If you have suggestions for future workshops or guest speakers contact Michael Jackson. The schedule for the 2024 Professional Development Week for Faculty and Staff can be found here.
Syllabus Template (Spring 2025)
Orientation for New Faculty
Prior to the beginning of the fall semester the Office of Academic Affairs runs a day-long training session for new faculty members. For more information contact Michael Jackson.
Survival Kit for New NMT Faculty Members
Senate Faculty Development Committee
The Faculty Senate has an active Faculty Development Committee, which organizes mentorship for new faculty and training events every semester. Events and activities for the upcoming year will be posted here at a later date.
Canvas Training Opportunities for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025
- Please contact ACT for individualized training.
Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Teaching Tea Time (Wednesdays, Noon - 1 pm, CITL, Speare 113; unless otherwise noted)
- "Teaching Experimentation," President Mahyar Amouzegar, October 9
- "Artificial Intelligence Panel," Drs. Van Romero, Taffeta Elliott, and David Cox, October 23
- "Talkin’ Tenure Tips," Drs. Rick Thompson, Steve Simpson, Alex Rinehart, and Julie Ford, November 13
Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Faculty Research Presentations, The Raul & Shari Deju University House
- "Sulfuric Acid Caves and the Microbes that Make Them," Dr. Dan Jones, October 11
Research Ethics @ NMT series (contact Dr. ChoGlueck for alternative zoom details)
- Dr. Chris ChoGlueck, 'Basics of Responsible Research,' Friday, Sept. 6, 4-6 pm, Workman 101. Note: this training fulfills the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) requirement for NSF- and NIH-funded principal investigators, co-PIs, postdocs, & students.
- Drs. Chris ChoGlueck and Dan Cadol, 'The Power of Authorship,' Monday, Oct. 7, 9-10:30 am, Library (Tripp Room 212).
- Drs. Chris ChoGlueck and Kate Leary, 'Engaging the Public,' Monday, Nov. 4, 2:30-4:30 pm, Skeen Library (Tripp Room 212).
- Dr. Chris ChoGlueck, 'Basics of Responsible Research,' Friday, Feb. 7, 2:30-4:40 pm, Library (Tripp Room 212). Note: this training fulfills the Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) requirement for NSF- and NIH-funded principal investigators, co-PIs, postdocs, & students.
- Dr. Ranalda Tsosie, Dr. Chris ChoGlueck, and Mr. Stephan Chase, 'Collaborating with Native Communities,' Thursday, March 13, TBD, TBD.
- Dr. Chris ChoGlueck, 'Integrating Ethics in STEM Courses,' Wednesday, April 2, Noon-12:50 pm, Speare 113 (CITL).
Other Events
- Faculty Mentoring Breakfast, Friday, November 1, 8 – 10:30 am, Speare 113 (CITL)
DoD SkillBridge Program
The DOD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for service members to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships during the last 180 days of service. DOD SkillBridge connects transitioning service members with industry partners in real-world job experiences.
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology offers an internship program that helps military members with their PhD degree in a STEM discipline to develop and refine the skills required academic positions in Institutions of Higher Education. Individuals would engage in instructional activities, conduct research in STEM fields, and engage in service activities within the university, community, and profession. Professional development opportunities will also be available during this internship.
For more information, please contact Michael Jackson for more information.
Other relevant faculty resource pages include:
Assessment of Student Learning at New Mexico Tech
NMT Academic Affairs Calendar (includes most scheduled development activities)